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SN 1994D photometry update no. 1 (Granslo)

0110   Supernova 1994D in NGC 4526 - Photometry Update    No. 1 (1994/03/11)
0130           SN 1994D  [Ia]      ]13.0 mag.[mv] - [17 mag.[R]
0140              R.A. = 12h 34m.0  Decl. = +07d 42' (2000.0)
0150          Offset from nucleus of galaxy: 9" west, 7" north
0170     New entries and revisions are marked with "*".
0200     Sequences:
0210     KM         Photoelectric sequence by Kilkenny and Martin (1984)
0400     Sources:
0500     IAUC xxxx  International Astronomical Union Circular No. xxxx
0510     Mail(bas)  Brian A. Skiff               (bas@lowell.edu)
0520     Mail(gav)  Gerard de Vaucoleurs         (gav@astro.as.utexas.edu)
0530     NAS.VSS    Norwegian Astronomical Society - Variable Star Section
0540     TA xxx     The Astronomer Electronic Circular No. xxx
1010 YYYY+
1020 MM DD.DDD  MAGN  MS SEQ OBSERVER           NOTES                 SOURCE
1994 03 01     [17    R     *Treffers et al.    76-cm refl. + CCD     IAUC 5946
1994 03 07      15.2: R     *Treffers et al.    76-cm refl. + CCD     IAUC 5946
1994 03 07     &1              R = 15.2 +/- 0.5. Discovery observation.
1994 03 09.875  13.3: mv KM *Midtskogen, O.     31.6-cm refl. (260x)  NAS.VSS
1994 03 09.901  13.4  mv KM *Granslo, B. H.     40.6-cm refl. (208x)  NAS.VSS
1994 03 09.901 &1         (from Saturn Paul Observatory, Sollihoegda, Norway)
1994 03 09.932  13.3  mv KM *Dahle, H.          20.3-cm SCT (200x)    NAS.VSS
1994 03 10      12.5: R     *Dosaj, A.          40.6-cm refl. + CCD   Mail(gav)
1994 03 10.055  13.3: mv    *Poyner, G.                               TA 819
1994 03 10.885  12.9  mv KM *Midtskogen, O.     31.6-cm refl. (260x)  NAS.VSS
1994 03 10.941  13.4: mv KM *Dahle, H.          20.3-cm SCT (133x)    NAS.VSS
2510 Time system is year, number of month and date with possible decimals in
2520 Universal Time.
3000                            Comparison Stars
3100 From Brian Skiff (bas@lowell.edu):
3120  H  GSC 0874-  RA  (2000)  Dec      V    U-B   B-V   V-R   V-I  source
3140  1   1023   12 34 12.8  +7 31 55  13.25  0.46  0.76  0.44  0.83   (2)
3160  2   1048   12 34 03.8  +7 33 02  13.37  0.00  0.60  0.36  0.70   (2)
3180  3   0994   12 34 45.4  +7 36 23  12.62  0.26  0.69               (1)
3190                                   12.574 0.231 0.686 0.388 0.765  (2)
3210  4   1052   12 34 41.7  +7 39 09  13.39  0.08  0.59               (1)
3220                                   13.322 0.117 0.620 0.350 0.363  (2)
3240  5   0862   12 34 28.4  +7 41 33  13.36  0.31  0.58               (1)
3250                                   13.31  0.26  0.650 0.38  0.74:  (2)
3270  6   0871   12 34 24.4  +7 43 07  11.29  0.24  0.67               (1)
3280                                   11.277 0.225 0.670 0.395 0.770  (2)
3300  7   0870   12 34 03.8  +7 47 42  11.97   --   0.85               (1)
3310                                   11.98  0.02  0.51  0.31  0.60   (2)
3330  8   0773   12 34 01.4  +7 48 01  14.46  0.03  0.61  0.36  0.72   (2)
3350  9   0899   12 34 02.4  +7 40 35  12.62   --   1.12               (1)
3360                                   12.54  0.97  1.03  0.56  1.03   (2)
3380  11* 0908   12 34 30.5  +7 44 07   6.77  1.02  1.08               (1)
3390                                    6.737 1.001 1.084 0.560 1.065  (2)
3400                                    6.70   --   1.10               (3)
3420  12  0912   12 34 45.2  +7 38 50  14.65  0.25  0.75               (1)
3430                                   14.61  0.29  0.75  0.46  0.96:  (2)
3450  --* 0772   12 33 32.9  +7 40 43   6.91   --   1.04               (3)
3480 * - star 11 = HD 109417 (K2), the bright star east of the galaxy
3490 * - last star in list = HD 109285 (K0), the bright star west of the
3500 galaxy
3520 sources:  (1)  Hanes, D. A., Harris, W. E., and Madore, B. F. 1976 MNRAS
3530                177, 653.
3540           (2)  Kilkenny, D., and Malcolm, G. 1984, MNRAS 209, 169.
3550           (3)  H\"aggkvist, L., and Oja, T. 1973, A&AS 12, 381.
3600 From Gerard de Vaucouleurs (gav@astro.as.utexas.edu):
3620 Star 3 V = 12.62, B-V = 0.69, U-B = 0.26 (2/1 n), = 126 on T-B chart
3630 Star 4 V = 13.39, B-V = 0.59, U-B = 0.08 (1/1 n), = no # on T-B chart
3640 Star 5 V = 13.36, B-V = 0.58, U-B = 0.31 (2/1 n), = 134 on T-B chart
3650 Star 7 V = 11.97, B-V = 0.85 (1 n), = 120 on T-B chart
3660 Star 9 V = 12.62, B-V = 1.12 (1 n), = 126 (84" S, 9" W of nucleus) on
3670 T-B chart
3680 Star 12 V = 14.65, B-V = 0.75, U-B = 0.25 (1/1 n), = 146 on T-B chart.
3700 Magnitudes are given after D. Hanes et al., MN 177, 653, 1976.
3800 From Bjorn H. Granslo (bgranslo@astro.uio.no):
3820 HHM    Photoelectric measurements (KM)      TB  Offset from nucleus
3830 id.   V      B-V    U-B    V-R    V-I   n   id.     of NGC 4526
3840  1  13.25   0.76   0.46   0.44   0.83   1   ---   140" E  590" S
3850  2  13.37   0.60   0.00   0.36   0.70   1   ---    10" E  525" S
3860  3  12.574  0.686  0.231  0.388  0.765  2   126   615" E  305" S
3870  4  13.32   0.620  0.117  0.350  0.363  2   ---   550" E  145" S
3880  5  13.31   0.650  0.26   0.38   0.74:  2   134   360" E    5" S
3890  6  11.277  0.670  0.225  0.395  0.770  2   113   295" E   80" N
3900  7  11.98   0.51   0.02   0.31   0.60   1   120    15" W  345" N
3910  8  14.46   0.61   0.03   0.36   0.72   1   ---    40" W  365" N
3920  9  12.54   1.03   0.97   0.56   1.03   1   126    20" W   75" S
3930 11   6.737  1.084  1.001  0.560  1.065  8    68   390" E  140" N
3940 12  14.61   0.75   0.29   0.46   0.96:: 2   146   605" E  165" S
3960 Identifications are from Hanes, Harris and Madore (1976) [HHM] and
3970 Thompson and Bryan atlas (1989) [TB]. The photoelectric measurements
3980 are due to Kilkenny and Malcolm (1984) [KM].
5000                             Observers List
5100  IAU Circulars
5110  (R. R. Treffers, A. V. Filippenko, S. D. Van Dyk, Berkeley, CA, USA;
5120  M. W. Richmond, Princeton, NJ, USA)
5300  TA Circulars
5310  (Gary Poyner, Birmingham, England)
5400  Mail(gav)
5410  (Anil Dosaj)
6000  NAS.VSS
6010  (Haakon Dahle, Oslo, Norway), (Bjorn H. Granslo, Fjellhamar, Norway),
6020  (Ornulf Midtskogen ,Tranby, Norway)
9990                                 Compiled by Bjorn H. Granslo (NAS.VSS)