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VS Observations March 3 (OJ287 brighter!)

Variable Star Observations for March 3rd 1994
Gary Poyner  

All observations 40cm reflector unless otherwise stated.

Clear until 23.00 UT only.

OJ 287 Brighter!!

Object         YYMMDD(UT)      Mag
W And          940303.802      8.7   10x50
FN And         940303.793    <14.7
HP And         940303.795    <14.0
LS And         940303.796    <14.6
RX And         940303.793     12.9
SV Ari         940303.797    <14.5
TT Ari         940303.798     10.7
SS Aur         940303.840     14.9
Z Cam          940303.850     13.6
AF Cam         940303.815    <15.1
AK Cnc         940303.926    <15.3
EG Cnc         940303.925    <15.2 
SY Cnc         940303.923     12.0
YZ Cnc         940303.922     14.2
HL CMa         940303.841     11.2
Nova Cas       940303.791     14.6
HT Cas         940303.804    <15.5
UV Cas         940303.807     10.6
V452 Cas       940303.806    <14.1 
V630 Cas       940303.806    <14.7
V635 Cas       940303.803     15.4
AB Dra         940303.800     14.9
DO Dra         940303.849    <14.2
U Gem          940303.918     14.0
AW Gem         940303.919    <15.2
IR Gem         940303.920    <15.2
X Leo          940303.930    <14.8
RZ Leo         940303.938    <15.0
TU Leo         940303.937     14.6
V616 Mon       940303.929    <14.8
CN Ori         940303.817     12.3
CZ Ori         940303.818    <14.8
DY Per         940303.813     12.7 
GK Per         940303.814     13.2
TZ Per         940303.812     14.3
UV Per         940303.810    <15.2
UW Per         940303.811    <15.6
HW Tau         940303.915    <14.0
SU Tau         940303.916    <15.1
BC UMa         940303.911    <15.3
BZ UMa         940303.846     15.8
CH UMa         940303.852     14.6
CY UMa         940303.913    <13.2
DI UMa         940303.844    <15.5 
DV UMa         940303.912    <14.0
SU UMa         940303.847     14.2
SW UMa         940303.845    <14.7
PG0943+521     940303.843     13.7 
NSV00895       940303.813    <16.2
GROJ0422+32    940303.815    <14.9 
TAV0033+59     940303.809     10.7 

W Com          940303.951    <14.8
Mark 421       940303.909     13.2
NGC 4151       940303.949     11.6 
3C 66A         940303.801     14.3
OJ 287         940303.833     14.6
               940303.847     14.5      (T. Vanmunster, Landen, Belgium)
               940303.850     14.9 pg   (Nick James, Chelmsford, UK. 
                                         Hypered TP2415)
               940303.927     14.5
               940303.947     14.5