Rod Stubbings reports in [ vsnet-obs 21616] the first ever visually observed outburst of the probable dwarf nova V359 Cen.
Available observations: CENV359 990709.379 <144 Stu CENV359 990713.392 138 Stu CENV359 990713.497 138 Stu CENV359 990713.539 138 StuHilmar Duerbeck provides in his nova catalogue the following information:
"Discovered by A. Opolski on Franklin-Adams plates. The object is visible on 19 plates taken between 1939 April 20 and 27; the maximum was probably missed (Lwow Contr 4 (1935))."
B1950.0 coordinates: R.A. 11h55m42.39s Decl. -41o29'26.0" (SRC) 11h55m54s -41o29' (A. Opolski, Lwow Contr 4) Range: 13.8p - 21.0j J2000.0 coordinates according to DWS97: R.A. 11h58m15.29s Decl. -41o46'07.9"Unfortunately V359 Cen is currently not favourably placed for observers in the northern hemisphere.
Regards, Patrick
According to Munari and Zwitter (A&AS 128, 277), the spectrum of the quiescent counterpart, suggested by Duerbeck, was too noisy to draw a conclusion on its nature.
Congratulations to Rod for another interesting find!
USNO-A2.0 gives the following star at the exact position USNO-A2.0 0450-13664185 at 115815.3-414609 with B=18.7 and R=17.7 From the color data this is one of the most whitish (or bluish...) stars in the neighbourhood. Could it possibly be V359 Cen?
If there is no existing sequence for this region I suggest the following one. It is based on USNO-A2.0 data calibrated vs the GSPC field 2 deg to the NE.
Star / RA,DE / Vmag / Rem A 115817.0-414305 131 B 115835.2-414420 134 C 115810.5-414626 137 nearby but red D 115835.8-414824 141 E 115801.1-414541 147 F 115829.0-414501 152 D' 115806.2-414045 140 alt to D Regards and happy monitoring,Berto
V359 Cen outburst, request for observations
Rod Stubbings reports that the dwarf nova V359 Cen is undergoing the third historical outburst. The last outburst was in 1999 July (Stubbings). According to a private communication on the 1999 outburst reported the confirmation of the outburst, and the possible existence of superhumps. The object is better located than this time, and we would encourage photometric follow-up by southern observers. This is a timely excelllent southern target for VSNET campaign. Please report the progress of observations, and nightly report to vsnet-campaign.
V359 CEN 20000510.606 <14.8 20000515.499 13.8
V359 Cen outburst
Rod Stubbings reports that the dwarf nova V359 Cen is undergoing an outburst. The object had been regarded as a possible nova until the discovery of an outburst in 1999 July by Rod Stubbings. The last outburst was detected by Rod Stubbings on 2001 April 25.
YYYYMMDD(UT) mag observer 20020502.421 <146 (Rod Stubbings) 20020503.428 <144 (Rod Stubbings) 20020504.415 <150 (Rod Stubbings) 20020506.403 <148 (Rod Stubbings) 20020506.449 <140 (Peter Nelson) 20020507.390 <140 (Rod Stubbings) 20020508.378 <148 (Rod Stubbings) 20020509.515 <150 (Rod Stubbings) 20020511.558 <148 (Rod Stubbings) 20020513.396 <150 (Rod Stubbings) 20020514.419 <148 (Rod Stubbings) 20020515.625 <140 (Rod Stubbings) 20020516.387 <148 (Rod Stubbings) 20020519.685 <138 (Rod Stubbings) 20020524.387 <138 (Rod Stubbings) 20020525.399 <138 (Rod Stubbings) 20020527.410 <138 (Rod Stubbings) 20020528.362 138 (Rod Stubbings) 20020528.380 138 (Rod Stubbings) 20020528.406 138 (Rod Stubbings)Time-resolve photometry is very strongly encouraged. Spectroscopic confirmation (as a dwarf nova) is also encouraged.
Attached is [vsnet-alert 4849], issued on the 2000 May outburst: See also Woudt et al. (2001) MNRAS 328, 259, who reported the possible presence of superhump-like modulations (P=0.078:d) after an outburst in 1999.
V359 Cen: definite SU UMa-type dwarf nova!
Dear Colleagues,
Roland Santallo (Southern Stars Observatory Tahiti) has just reported the result of time-series photometry of V359 Cen on May 31. The lught curve shows a fully developed superhump signal with an amplitude of 0.30 mag! The object is thus confirmed to be a genuine SU UMa-type dwarf nova. Owing to the relatively long superhump period, we have not been able to precisely determine the superhump period. However, the light curve indicate that the period is around (or slightly longer than) 2 hrs, which makes V359 Cen as one of below-the-gap SU UMa-type systems with the longest orbital periods (the system may be on the border the period gap). Further observations (hopefully longer than 3 hours) are most urgently requested!
Regards, Taichi Kato Roland Santallo VSNET Collaboration team
Dear Colleagues,
Roland Santallo (Southern Stars Observatory Tahiti) has just reported the result of time-series photometry of V359 Cen tonight. The light curve still clearly shows fully developed superhumps! The best period determined from the 2-night runs is 0.08136(8) d (=117 min). Further observations at different longitudes are also very strongly encouraged.
Regards, Taichi Kato Roland Santallo VSNET Collaboration team
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