The 1994 December outburst of SX LMi

(from vsnet-alert messages)

cbs_31 RoboScope Trigger

(J. W. Robertson, 1994 Dec. 14)

 > Date: Tue, 13 Dec 1994 05:16:49 -0500
 > cbs_31                     ! Object name
 > 13.43 -3.87 -4.08          ! New Magnitude, Diff(new-mode, new-previous)
 > 17.29   .33   .98          ! Mode, Sigma, Test (3*sigma)
 > 18.28 16.31                ! Trigger Test Range ( Mode +- 3*Sigma)
 > 2449699.92460     10.99248 ! Observation JD (Helio),   NewJD - PreviousJD
 > 10:11:25.44 13-Dec-1994    ! Universal Time (Helio)
 > 05:11:25.44 13-Dec-1994    ! Eastern Standard Time (Helio)
 > 05:15:53    13-Dec-94      ! EST Trigger Time (Earth)
 >  DATA from Indiana University RoboScope
 >  Please see documentation for details
 >     Honeycutt & Turner 1992, in ROBOTIC 
 >        TELESCOPES IN THE 1990s, ed. A. 
 >        Filippenko, (San Francisco, ASP) p.77
 >     Honeycutt 1992, PASP 104, 435
 >     Honeycutt et al 1989, in REMOTE ACCESS 
 >        AUTOMATIC TELESCOPES, ed. D.S. Hayes and
 >        R.M. Genet, (Mesa, Fairborn Press)
 >   OR see our homepage on the WorldWideWeb

Comment by T. Kato

(1994 Dec. 15)

As you may seen from the Roboscope trigger, pooly studied CV CBS 31 = SX LMi is caught in outburst probably for the first time in the reserch history of this object. Observations are strongly recommended because this star is suspected to be a 'below the period gap' CV.

Taichi Kato

Comment by S. B. Howell

(1994 Dec. 15)

radial velocity and photometric studies of CBS 31 (unpublished) show the CV to have ~90 minute orbital, and appeared to be a normal novalike system. Therefore the current outburst is very odd indeed. Steve Howell

Steve B. Howell
Planetary Science Institute M
620 N. 6th Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85705 USA
Phone (602) 622-6300
Fax (602) 622-8060

Comment by J. W. Robertson

(1994 Dec. 15)

CBS 31 has been on the RoboScope program for some time and we have observed several outbursts.

Lightcurve for cbs_31                   
Selected Outburst only observations from IU RoboScope

     Hjd         InsturmentalMag  Error         V = InstrMag + 1.585
 2448921.95327   12.031           .012   
 2449333.85792   12.864           .003   
 2449334.99712   14.517           .043   
 2449367.71199   13.487           .011   
 2449367.74011   13.489           .005   
 2449367.78567   13.555           .024   
 2449443.60644   12.212           .011   
 2449444.67762   12.406           .005   
 2449444.75401   12.397           .005   
 2449446.64566   12.456           .004   
 2449446.68704   12.614           .003   
 2449449.84150   13.671           .004   
 2449699.92460   11.841           .008   

                                                                 (o o)
Jeff W. Robertson               
Indiana University Astronomy       
Don't try to be intelligent, just avoid stupidity.
CODE-set of symbols whose primary purpose is to restrict comprehension(Webster)

Discovery of superhumps, by S. Masuda

(1994 Dec. 16)

Dear Colleagues, CBS31 (= SX LMi), whose current outburst was first announced by ROBOSCOPE was observed this morning (Dec. 16) at the Ouda Station with 0.6-m refl. + CCD. The observation revealed superhumps with an amplitude of 0.3 mag. Preliminary reduction gives the best estimate of superhump period of 100 min.

By this observation, SX LMi is for the first time identified as a member of SU UMa stars.
The observation is continuing.

Seiji Masuda (Kyoto University)

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