Superoutburst of HV Vir!!!

Outburst image taken by R. Ishioka, the Kyoto team

CCD image by Torii (with recommended comparison stars)

Outburst detection!

(vsnet-alert 6964)

Currently at mag 12.

Last recorded outburst: 1992


(vsnet-alert 6965)

HV Vir extremely rare outburst!!!

Please make as much effort as possible to make time-series photometry and spectroscopy!! Absolutely the king of new year alerts!

For more information on HV Vir in 1992, please refer to PASJ 53, 1191 (2001), which is just published and available online (also astro-ph/0110207).

Congratulations to Patrick, and hoping you successful observations!

Early superhumps!

(vsnet-alert 6970)

HV Vir: early superhumps?

Dear Colleagues,

Kiyota-san (Tsukuba, Japan) sent a set of observations obtained this morning. The observation strongly supports the finding seen in Torii-san's and Kyoto data. Double-wave, low-amplitude modulations are clearly seen in all runs (covering 5 hours in total). The profile very much resembles that of "early superhumps" seen in the earliest stage of a WZ Sge-type superoutburst. Further intensive observations are very strongly encouraged.

Taichi Kato
VSNET Collaboration team

(vsnet-alert 6971)

HV Vir: early superhumps!

Dear Colleagues,

We have received long runs from Gianluca Masi and Jochen Pietz. In addition to the fully analyzed Kyoto and RIKEN data, we have been able to pin down the period to 0.05705(3), which clearly indicates that the present modulations are early superhumps! [During the 1992 superoutburst, the period was 0.057085(23): the advent of the recent technology has enabled us to obtain as precise value within two days of the observation!]

On Jan. 4, the profile was dominated by double waves, as earlier reported. The amplitude of the variation became smaller as the object slowly brightened, and the modulation is now rather dominated by a single wave (stronger peak of the initial waves). The change of the profile of early superhumps seems to be faster than expected.

More detailed and further analysis will be mostly reported to vsnet-campaign-hvvir. When sending data privately to the Kyoto members, please make sure to send them also to Ishioka-san ( and Uemura-san ( in order to assure a prompt analysis.

Taichi Kato
VSNET Collaboration team

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