(extracted from AAVSO NEWS FLASH No. 105)
1807+69 3C 371 (DRACO)
Astronomers at the Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, Italy, will be observing the Blazar 3C 371 in Draco [RA 18h 07m 18.5s; Dec +69o 48' 58" (2000)] intensively with the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) satellite over the coming months. They have requested our assistance in providing optical observations before, during, and after the ISO observations.
The approximate schedule of satellite observations is as follows:
22 Jan 27 Feb 8 Mar +/-1 day 29 Jan +/-1 day 28 Feb 13 Mar +/-1 day 6 Feb +/-1 day 1 Mar 20 Mar +/-1 day 13 Feb +/-1 day 2 Mar 27 Mar +/-1 day 20 Feb +/-1 day 3 Mar 3 Apr +/-1 day 23 Feb +/-1 day 4 Mar 10 Apr +/-1 day
AAVSO preliminary 'b', 'd', and 'e' scale charts have been prepared by C. Scovil from a British Astronomical Association chart by J. Toone, and have been posted on the AAVSO ftp site:
ftp.aavso.org (, in /pub/charts/dra/3c_371/
These charts may also be accessed via our web site:
Please monitor this object, photographic range magnitude 13.1 - 15.9, and report your observations to AAVSO Headquarters.
Good observing!
Rebecca Pellock, Technical Assistant
on behalf of
Janet A. Mattei, Director