Potential ALEXIS transient on July 13

(vsnet-alert 462)

The ALEXIS satellite has observed a potential transient in the 72 ev (176 Angstrom) telescope of telescope pair 3.

The position of the source is:

RA: 16 41 23.8 DEC: -39 03 36.0 +/- 0.25 Degrees (J2000)

The outburst appears to have started around 0UT July 13, and continued through 9UT July 14. The source appears to be relatively weak. A SIMBAD search indicates no obvious counterparts.

                                                Jeff Bloch

Jeffrey Bloch                                   Office:    (505) 665-2568
Astrophysics and Radiation Measurements Group   ALEXIS SOC:(505) 665-5975
Los Alamos National Laboratory                  FAX:       (505) 665-4414
Group NIS-2, Mail Stop D436             e-mail:    jbloch@lanl.gov
Los Alamos, NM 87545             Digital Pager:    (505)665-9800 #104-8074

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