THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF VARIABLE STAR OBSERVERS 25 Birch Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA Tel. 617-354-0484 Fax 617-354-0665 INTERNET: * * * AAVSO NEWS FLASH * * * Subject: FG Sge, FO Aql, CC Cnc, EM Cyg, No. 18 AH Her, AY Lyr, Markarian 421 May 9, 1996 ________________________________________________________________________________ FG SAGITTAE We have been informed by the Central Bureau of Astronomical Telegrams that S. Shugarov, Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow, reported that FG Sge, the central star of a planetary nebula, has faded dramatically to approximately V magnitude 16 and B magnitude 17 on April 24.04 UT (IAU Circular 6323). Our member Monsignor Ron Royer has confirmed the fading and his CCD observations made with IR blocking filter indicated that this star was at magnitude 16.0 on May. 7.3556 UT. FG Sge started to decline from its about 25-year long average maximum magnitude of 9.2 in August 1992. By October 1992 it reached magnitude 13.7 (see AAVSO Alert Notice 163). Since then, it has brightened to magnitude 10.2 several times but has never fully reached maximum, and has faded, reaching as faint as magnitude 14.4 in August 1994. Recent observations indicate that in January 1996 it reached 10.2 and started to fade slowly, as shown by the observations below. The current magnitude is the faintest FG Sge has been since 1894 (see AAVSO Alert Notice 163). Recent observations include: AAVSO Observer UT JD Mag. Initials FEB 26.2 2450139.7 10.5 KIS FEB 27.1875 2450140.6875 10.9 KWO FEB 29.13 2450142.63 11.9 MPR MAR 3.16 2450145.66 11.8 MPR MAR 9.18 2450151.68 11.9 GRL MAR 21.177 2450163.677 12.4 DPA MAR 28.1 2450170.6 12.5 SJZ APR 8.0 2450181.5 13.9 SNO APR 22.126 2450195.626 14.4: PYG APR 27.102 2450200.602 14.5: PYG APR 28.097 2450201.597 14.3: PYG MAY 5.072 2450208.572 <13.7 PYG MAY 6.079 2450209.579 <13.7 PYG MAY 7.3556 2450210.8556 16.0 CCD RR MAY 8.049 2450211.549 <13.7 PYG Observers should be aware of the fact that this star has two very close companions to the east which should not be confused with FG Sge. The closer of the two is a suspected variable reported by R. Royer to be at magnitude 12.3 on May 7.3556 UT. The second companion was reported by Royer to be at about 15.0 on May 7.3556 UT. AAVSO Alert Notice 221 which contains an 'e' scale AAVSO Preliminary chart and an AAVSO light curve of FG Sge from 1985 to date has been issued today and has been posted on our ftp site: in /pub/alert221 and will soon be posted on our web site at the following address: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FO AQUILAE The dwarf nova type (U Gem subclass) cataclysmic variable FO Aql is brightening as indicated by the following observations: AAVSO Observer UT JD Mag. Initials APR 17.1271 2450190.6271 14.1 BMM APR 21.1306 2450194.6306 14.1 BMM APR 22.1201 2450195.6201 14.3: BMM MAY 9.0535 2450212.5535 13.5 BMM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CC CANCRI The dwarf nova type (U Gem subclass) cataclysmic variable CC Cnc is in outburst as indicated by the following observations: AAVSO Observer UT JD Mag. Initials MAY 7.0743 2450210.5743 14.5 BRJ MAY 7.1958 2450210.6958 <13.3 BTH MAY 8.1972 2450211.6972 13.5 BTH MAY 9.2299 2450212.7299 13.1 BTH The last outburst of this star began on March 22, 1995 and reached magnitude 13.2 at maximum on March 25. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- EM CYGNI The dwarf nova type (Z Cam subclass) cataclysmic variable EM Cyg is in outburst as indicated by the following observations: AAVSO Observer UT JD Mag. Initials APR 30.1056 2450203.6056 13.6 BMM APR 30.5097 2450204.0097 13.6 RR MAY 1.4431 2450204.9431 13.6 DIL MAY 7.0806 2450210.5806 13.5 BMM MAY 7.295 2450210.795 13.2 CCDV ZRE MAY 9.0569 2450212.5569 12.6 BMM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AH HERCULIS The dwarf nova type (Z Cam subclass) cataclysmic variable AH Her is in outburst as indicated by the following observations: AAVSO Observer UT JD Mag. Initials MAY 6.1986 2450209.6986 14.4: HSG MAY 6.997 2450210.497 12.9 PYG MAY 7.0708 2450210.5708 13.8 DPL MAY 7.178 2450210.678 13.40 CCDV ZRE MAY 7.2299 2450210.7299 12.9 GRI MAY 7.2535 2450210.7535 13.4 HSG MAY 7.953 2449845.453 12.8 PYG MAY 8.2347 2450211.7347 12.9 BTH MAY 8.990 2450212.49 12.6 DPA MAY 9.2319 2450212.7319 12.0 HSG MAY 9.2729 2450212.7729 11.7 BTH ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AY LYRAE The dwarf nova type (SU UMa subclass) cataclysmic variable is in outburst as indicated by the following observations: AAVSO Observer UT JD Mag. Initials MAY 1.2521 2450204.7521 <13.6 HSG MAY 4.994 2450207.494 <14.4 PYG MAY 6.014 2450209.514 <14.4 PYG MAY 6.2007 2450209.7007 <14.2 HSG MAY 7.022 2450210.522 <14.4 PYG MAY 7.247 2450210.747 18.60 CCDV ZRE MAY 8.984 2450212.484 13.5 DPA MAY 9.0174 2450212.5174 14.0 BMM MAY 9.2389 2450212.7389 13.8 HSG ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARKARIAN 421 We have been informed by Dr. J. Pesce, at the Space Telescope Science Institute that the Whipple Gamma Ray Collaboration has reported an extraordinary outburst of gamma ray activity from the BL Lacertae type object, Markarian 421 (see AAVSO Alert Notice 220). An 'e' scale AAVSO preliminary chart of Markarian 421 has been issued with AAVSO Alert Notice 221 and has also been posted on our ftp site: in /pub/alert221 and will soon be posted on our web site at the following address: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- We thank the following contributors for the data that they have provided for this News Flash: BMM - M. Biesmans, Belgium KIS - G. Krisch, Germany BRJ - J. Bortle, USA KWO - W. Kriebel, Germany BTH - T. Burrows, USA MPR - P. Maurer, Germany DIL - W. Dillon, USA PYG - G. Poyner, England DPA - A. Diepvens, Belgium RR - R. Royer, USA DPL - P. Dombrowski, USA SJZ - J. Speil, Poland GRI - J. Griese, USA SNO - L. Szentasko, Hungary GRL - B. Granslo, Norway ZRE - R. Zissell, USA HSG - G. Hanson, USA Please monitor these objects closely and phone-in, fax, or e-mail your observations to the AAVSO. Good observing! Janet A. Mattei ________________________________________________________________________________ Symbols may include: < = fainter than magnitude given (variable not seen) : = uncertain CCDV = Charge-coupled device with (V) filter If you would like to contribute to AAVSO NEWS FLASH, please send observations of unusual variable star activity to: Those who wish to subscribe (free of charge) or unsubscribe to NEWS FLASH may do so by sending a message to: If you would like data from the AAVSO International Database for research purposes, please send your request to: Janet Mattei, AAVSO Director, at We look forward to including your observations in future editions of AAVSO NEWS FLASH! ________________________________________________________________________________